





PIC12F1822のクロック偏差は、実測で+5.25%でしたので、あまりマージンがありません。USB-Serial Bridgeのクロック精度によっては、フレーミングエラーが発生する可能性があります。そのコントローラがPL-2303HXDの場合、クロックの最大偏差は、±2%ですので、クロック周波数がプラス動向に触れている場合は、良い方向になりますが、逆に振れるとエラーになる可能性が高くなります。したがって、五分五分ですので、実使用で安定性があるか確認し、使用できれば使用することができるレベルです。

/* Files to Include */

#if defined(__XC)
#include /* XC8 General Include File */
#elif defined(HI_TECH_C)
#include /* HiTech General Include File */

#include /* For uint8_t definition */

/* Configuration bits */

/* CONFIGURATION WORD 1 setting value */
#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC // INTOSC oscillator
#pragma config WDTE = OFF // WDT disabled
#pragma config MCLRE = ON // MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR

/* CONFIGURATION WORD 2 setting value */
#pragma config PLLEN = ON // PLL Enable->4x PLL enabled

/* User Global Variable Declaration */

volatile uint16_t timer_tick;
uint16_t min_count;
uint16_t max_count;

/* Main Program (Auto Baud Rate Detection Program for MC6850) */

/* TIMER0 interrupt tick value */
#define IDLE_TIME 244 // idle tick of time -> 2s
#define TIMEOUT 3662 // timeout of auto detection -> 30s

/* I/O port bit assign */
#define RXD RA4 // PIN3 RA4 RXD sensing Digital Input

/* set PWM parameters */
void set_PWM(uint8_t period, uint8_t tune) {
OSCTUNE = tune; // Internal Oscillator Frequency Adjustment
PR2 = period; // set PWM Period
CCPR1L = (uint8_t)(period >> 1); // set PWM width
TMR2ON = 1; // Timer2 is on

/* get TIMER1 count of mark bit */
void get_mark_bit(uint8_t bits) {
uint16_t count;
while(!RXD); // wait space bit
TMR1ON = 0; // stop TIMER1 count
TMR1H = 0; TMR1L = 0; // clear TMR1H, TMR1L count
while(RXD); // wait mark bit
TMR1ON = 1; // start TIMER1 count
while(!RXD); // wait space bit
TMR1ON = 0; // stop TIMER1 count
count = ((uint16_t)TMR1H << 8) | TMR1L;
count >>= bits; // normalize count
if(count < min_count) min_count = count;
if(count > max_count) max_count = count;

void interrupt timer_isr(void) {
if(TMR0IF) { // timer0 interrupt
timer_tick++; // increment time tick in each 1/122 senconds
TMR0IF = 0; // clear timer0 interrupt

/* PIC12F1822 SBC6809 Baud Rate Generator with Auto Speed Detection */

#define PR2_9600 51 // PR2 value for 9600bps
#define PR2_19200 25 // PR2 value for 19200bps
#define PR2_38400 12 // PR2 value for 38400bps
#define PR2_57600 8 // PR2 value for 57600bps
#define PR2_115200 3 // PR2 value for 115200bps

#define MIN_9600 792 // min. TIMER1 count for -5% of 9600bps
#define MIN_19200 396 // min. TIMER1 count for -5% of 19200bps
#define MIN_38400 198 // min. TIMER1 count for -5% of 9600bps
#define MIN_57600 132 // min. TIMER1 count for -5% of 19200bps
#define MIN_115200 66 // min. TIMER1 count for -5% of 9600bps
#define MAX_9600 875 // max. TIMER1 count for +5% of 9600bps
#define MAX_19200 438 // max. TIMER1 count for +5% of 19200bps
#define MAX_38400 219 // max. TIMER1 count for +5% of 38400bps
#define MAX_57600 148 // max. TIMER1 count for +5% of 57600bps
#define MAX_115200 73 // max. TIMER1 count for +5% of 115200bps

/* Auto Speed Detection Sequence
* no mark bit in 2s and CR in 30s after powerup

void main(void)
/* initialize oscillator */
OSCCON = 0b11110000; // PLL Is enabled by CONFIGURATION WORD 1
// 8 MHz or 32 MHz HF
// Clock determined by CONFIGURATION WORD 1

/* initialize PIN assignment */
CCP1SEL = 0; // PIN5 CCP1 on RA2
ANSELA = 0; // Digital I/O. Pin
TRISA = 0b11111011; // PIN3 RA4 Digital Input
// PIN5 CCP1 on RA2 Digital Output
WPUA4 = 1; // PIN3 RA4 Pull-up enabled

/* initialize timer */
OPTION_REG = 0b00000111; // Weak pull-ups are enabled
// Interrupt on falling edge of RB0/INT pin
// Internal instruction cycle clock (FOSC/4)
// Increment on low-to-high transition on T0CKI pin
// Prescaler is assigned to the Timer0 module
// Prescaler Rate Select bits (1 : 256)
T1GCONbits.TMR1GE = 0; // always counting
T1CON = 0b00000000; // Timer1 clock source is FOSC/4
// 1:1 Prescale value
// LP OSC disabled
// clock synchronization disabled
// Stops Timer1
TMR1H = 0; TMR1L = 0; // clear TMR1H, TMR1L count
timer_tick = 0; // reset timer

/* initialize interrupt setting */
PIR1 = 0; // clear peripheral interrupt flag
PIR2 = 0; // clear peripheral interrupt flag
INTCON = 0b11100000; // global interrupt enabled
// periferal interrupt enabled
// timer0 interrupt enabled
// external interrupt disabled
// interrupt-on-change disabled
// clear timer1 interrupt flag
// clear external interrupt flag
// clear interrupt-on-change flag

/* initialize PWM */
T2CONbits.T2CKPS = 0b00; // Prescaler is 1
CCP1CON = 0b00001100; // Single output; P1A modulated
// the two LSbs of the PWM duty cycle = 00
// PWM mode: P1A active-high
set_PWM(PR2_9600, 0); // start baud rate generator for 9600bps

/* sensing loop */
while(1) {
timer_tick = 0;
while(timer_tick < IDLE_TIME) { // wait for no mark bit in 10s
if(!RXD) { // if mark bit then reset timer
timer_tick = 0; // reset timer
timer_tick = 0; // reset timer
min_count = 32767; // reset min_count
max_count = 0; // reset max_count
/* CR($0D) 1-0-1011-0000-1
* 1 1 4bit */
get_mark_bit(0); // 1 mark bit
get_mark_bit(0); // 1 mark bit
get_mark_bit(2); // 4 mark bit
if(min_count > MIN_9600 && max_count < MAX_9600) {
set_PWM(PR2_9600, 0); break;
} else if(min_count > MIN_19200 && max_count < MAX_19200) {
set_PWM(PR2_19200, 0); break;
} else if(min_count > MIN_38400 && max_count < MAX_38400) {
set_PWM(PR2_38400, 0); break;
} else if(min_count > MIN_57600 && max_count < MAX_57600) {
set_PWM(PR2_57600, 31); break;
} else if(min_count > MIN_115200 && max_count < MAX_115200) {
set_PWM(PR2_115200, 32); break;
if(timer_tick > TIMEOUT) { // check timeout
while(1); // done.
